Thursday, August 6, 2009

Resting in Brahman

Ihaiva tairjitah sargo yeshaam samye stitam manaha |
Nirdhosham hi samam brahma tasmath brahmani thesthathah || 5.19 ||

"Even here (in this world) , birth (everything) is overcome by those whose minds rest in equality; BRAHMAN is spotless indeed and equal; therefore they are established in BRAHMAN."

Na prahrushyeth priyam prapyano dwijeth prapya cha apriyam |
Stira buddhih sammodho brahmavith brahmani stitaha || 5.20 ||

"Resting in BRAHMAN, with steady intellect and undeluded, the knower of BRAHMAN neither rejoices on obtaining what is pleasant, nor grieves on obtaining what is unpleasant."

Bahya sparshen asaktaatma vindathyatmani yath sukham |
Sa brahmayoga yukthatma sukham akshayam ashnuthe || 5.21 ||

"With the self unattached to external contacts, he finds happiness in the Self; with the self engaged in the meditation of BRAHMAN, he attains endless happiness."

Yehi samsparshaja bhoga dukha yonaya ywvathe |
Adhyanthavanthah kountheya na theshu ramathe budhah || 5.22 ||

"The enjoyments that are born of contacts are only generators of pain, for they have a beginning and an end. O son of Kunti, the wise do not rejoice in them."

My meaning:
Whose mind is established in equality, will succeed in Samsara here in this world itself. Because, Brahman is pure and equal. Thus he is established in Brahman. He can differentiate between the truth and false-hood of thisvery life. Such an individual who has conquered his mind and has come to live in perfect equanimity, in all conditions of life, in all its relationships,he indeed rests in Brahman.
Who are undeluded and steady minded and also they are interested in Brahman, those wise men neither feel joy for getting pleasant things nor feel sad for unpleasant things. They are equipoised for any situations or relationsships. Because They have discovered the truth behind the life and death. So they will not identify themselves with the worldly things or relationships. One who knows Brahman becomes Brahman.
They are not attached to outer worldly things, thus are introverted. Those men get eternal happiness and peace easily, which are the ultimate goal of every living beings. In this world, every creature strives to attain that permanent happiness, but unfortunately, they end in sufferings, because of their ignorance and attachments. But who had realized the self, certainly found eternal happiness in Self, and thus he is established in Brahman.
The enjoyments born out of Vasanas and sense organs, are reasons for sorrows. And they have both birth and death. But wise men do not rejoice in them. Those vasanas can not bind them. Man, if he is wise, is satisfied only with the infinite. Finite things only torture us with the hopes of getting a more satisfactory joy, but the Diviner joy, is gained only when we come to experience the Self.

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