Monday, August 10, 2009

Being happy

Shaknothi haiva yaha sodhum prak shareera vimokshanath |
Kamakrodheedbavam vegam samyuktah sasukhi naraha || 5.23 ||

"He who is able, while still here (in this world) to withstand, before the liberation from the body (death) , the impulse born out of desire and anger, he is a YOGIN , he is a happy man."

My meaning:
He who do renounce all impulses born out of intense desire and anger, before his death, he is a Yogin and having real peace and happiness in his life. Whatever we have to do is, in this very life itself. Who knows when this death may arrive to take away from this world. Waiting for one good time to come, for beginning a happy life, is not at all possible. Because we are so unaware that, if that time/moment comes also we are not able to recognize it. So just be peaceful, joyful at this very moment itself, then desire and anger will go off automativcally. Renouncing the impulses in the sense not forcibly, but by just observing with full awareness. We have to understand one thing that, the greater the desire with which we ponder over an object, the greater shall be the anger against any obstacle that comes in between us and our object -of - desire. We are only responsible for whatever happens to us in this world, no body else is responsible. So by making the adjustments within ourselves, we are able to live that perfect happiness in this very world.

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