Thursday, August 13, 2009

What sort of a man attains Brahman?

Yo antasukho antararamah tatha antarjyotirevayah |
Sayogi brahma bhootho adhigachchathi || 5.24 ||

"He who is happy within, who rejoices within, who is illuminated within, that YOGI attains Absolute Freedom or MOKSHA, himself becoming BRAHMAN."

Labhanthe brahmanirvanam rushayaha ksheena kalmashaah |
Chinnaddaidha yathathmanah sarvabhoota hithe rathah || 5.25 ||

"Those RISHIS obtain Absolute Freedom or MOKSHA --- whose sins have been destroyed, whose dualities are torn asunder, who are self-controlled and intent on the welfare of all beings."

Kaamakrodha viyuktaanam yathinaam yathachethasam |
Abhitho brahmanirvaanam varthathe vijitatmanaam || 5.26 ||

"Absolute Freedom (or BRAHMIC Bliss) exists on all sides for those self-controlled ascetics, who are free from desire and anger, who have controlled their thoughts and who have realised the Self."

Sparshaan krutwa bahirbahyamsh chaksushcha avantarebhruvoh |
Pranapanou samakrutwa nasabhyantara charinou || 5.27 ||

"Shutting out (all) external contacts and fixing the gaze (as though) between the eye-brows, equalising the outgoing and incoming breath moving within the nostrils,"

Yathendriya manobuddhih munih moksha parayanah |
Vigatha ichcha bhaya krodho yah sada mukta yevasah || 5.28 ||

"With senses, mind and intellect (ever) controlled, having liberation as his Supreme Goal, free from desire, fear and anger --- the sage is verily liberated for ever."

Bhoktharam yajna tapasaam sarvalokamaheshvaram |
Suhrudam sarvabhootanam jnatwa mam shanthimruchchathi || 5.29 ||

"Knowing Me as Enjoyer of sacrifices and austerities, the Great Lord of all worlds, the friend of all beings, he attains Peace."

My meaning:
He who is established in Anthakarana, who is happy there, who illuminates through Atma, that person is a Yogi. He attains Brahman. To him, his entire within is flooded with the Light of Pure consciousness. He gains the joy of self within. Those sages, whose sinful mental impressions are destroyed, who are free from dualities, who have control of sense appettites, attain mukti. They are engaged in helping all living beings. Also, who have control of mind which is free from desire and anger and who have known the Self clearly, those Yathis gains the Bliss of perfection.
Here Krishna is explaining perfect path of getting Moksha. For that one should follow the path of mediation:
- Complete detachment (in mind) from reactions to the external worldly things and thoughts.
- Concentrate in between eyebrow (this is activating the third eye), balance the breathing in and out of nose ( by doing Pranayama exercises).
- Control over senses, mind and intellect.
- Free from desire, fear and anger.
Then he is definitely liberated forever.
And lastly Krishna announces here that, he who know (realize) me( Self in the individual) as, master/Lord of all worlds, enjoyer of all yagna-tapasas and friend of all living beings, that person get peace in his life. The Self, is the real vitality behind the ego(Jiva). The term Yagna is the self dedicated work, performed in any field of activity. And Tapas means all self-controlling practices, which ego undertakes in order to regain consciousness to seek its real identity with the Eternal.

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