Thursday, August 20, 2009

Self is raised by the Self

Uddhareth atmanatmanam na atmanam avasaadhayeth |
Atmaiva hi atmano bandhuh atmaiva ripuh atmanaha || 6.5 ||

"Let a man lift himself by his own Self alone, and let him not lower himself; for, this Self alone is the friend of oneself, and this Self is the enemy of oneself."

Bandhuh Atma Atmaha tasya yena atmaiva atmana jithah |
Anatmanasthu shatrutwe varthate atmaiva shatruvath || 6.6||

"The Self is the friend of the self for him who has conquered himself by the Self, but to the unconquered self, the Self stands in the position of an enemy like the (external) foe."

My understanding:
Here Krishna is giving very inspiring message for youth that, "MAN SHOULD UPLIFT HIMSELF BY HIMSELF". Then grace will shower on him automatically, from unknown source.
Every one of us is having one ideal picture, in our intellectual mind, about what we should be. But in fact, we might not be a match of that ideal concept. The difference between these two is the measure of the man's fall from his perception. We can discover that, we are intellectually feel that, we should be, perfect person, having loving heart, moral mind, socially disciplined personality. But in mind we have our likes,dislikes,loves,hatreds, attachments, appetites and passions. Thus we should train our mind by ourselves,we should uplift ourselves by ourselves, with the help of Guru and Grace of God.
Actual happening in us, depends upon how far we ourselves learn to haul ourselves out from our own misunderstandings.
So Krishna here warns that, "DO NOT ALLOW THE SELF TO FALL DOWN AND BE DRAGGED AGAIN "back to your old habit patterns.
For a man, self is friend of him, if he is in correct path of spiritual evolution and also it is enemy, if he goes in different direction, if he refuses to come in that way. That is the Self helps the lower self, lower instinct if it surrender to be get lifted, but if it opposes for that then Self becomes enemy for that. Thats why it all depend upon us how we improve ourselves.

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