Monday, August 31, 2009

Body Consciousness in Meditation

Na athi ashnatashtu yogosthu na cha ekantha manashnathah |
Na cha athi swapna sheelasya jagrutho naiva cha Arjuna || 6.16 ||

"Verily, YOGA is not possible for him who eats too much, nor for him who does not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps too much, nor for him who is (always) awake, O Arjuna."

Yukta ahara viharasya yukta cheshyasya karmasu |
Yukta swapnava bodhasya yogo bhavathi dhukhaha || 6.17 ||

"YOGA becomes the destroyer of pain for him who is moderate in eating and recreation, who is moderate in his exertion during his actions, who is moderate in sleep and wakefulness."

My understanding:

Yoga is not possible for him who eats very much, nor for him who does not not eat at all, nor for him who sleeps always or nor for him who does not sleep at all. Because he is very much attached himself to the body and vasanas created by sense organs. If one wants to become Yogi, everything should be balanced in him, while doing meditation. If body is not ready to sit and do meditation, forcibly it is not possible to do. So give respect to body. If it wants food, give it, If it wants sleep, give it. Dont force it to eat, whenever your tongue likes to eat something, even though it is not hungry. And also dont leave it hungry even though you have food to eat. Same with the sleep also. Give it when body really wants.
One golden rule is there for a successful meditator: "Eat whatever comes to us handy, without creating unnecessary destruction to the living kingdom just for our personal existence, and intelligently consume a quantity which does not load the stomach."
Our metal status is directly depends on our body status. Thus a Yogi is one, who knows, how to balance his body and mind naturally. If he knows how to balance the food, walking, work and sleep, then he gets the way of getting rid of pains and sorrows associated with the body. One should have the knowledge that, this body is the basic vehicle for any achievement in any field of life, but it is not the everything in life. It is just an outer layer of our being. Just be aware of the body. That is enough. Intelligent moderation is the law.

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