Monday, July 13, 2009

Gaining Jnana - Giving up Attachments -Bhagavadgita

Yadh Jnatwa Na Punarmoham Eva Yasyasi Pandava | Yena Bhootaanyasheshena
Drakshyasyath Aatma Anyatho Mayi || 4.35 ||

"Knowing that, you shall not, O Pandava, again get deluded like this; and by
that, you shall see all beings in your Self, and also in Me. "

My understanding:
After gaining Jnana, we will not be attached to outer world. By this Jnana,
we will come to know that every creature/living beings in the world, are
manifestation of God, we are just part of it. Attachment with what?
If everything is divine and which is not manifestation of ours?

Guruji Comments:

Your understanding is correct. In addition there is one more implication
here. Once someone gets Jnana, there is no way of falling back into material

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