Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Everything is Brahman

Braharpanam brahma havihi brahmagnou brahmana hutam |
Brahmaiva tena gantyavyam brhma karma samadhinaa ||

Chinmayanada swami translate this verse as: "Brahman is the oblation; Brahman is the clarified butter, etc., constituing the offerings; by brahman is the oblation poured into the fire of Brahman; Brahman verily shall be reached by him who always see Brahman in all actions."

Here what is the meaning of Brahman actually? Brahma and brahman both make the same meaning? how it affects to us, if this prayer is said before taking food?


  1. Guruji views on this sloka.

    - This sloka gives the life and understanding of an enlightened
    person. He lives in the conciousness of Brahman.
    For him everything is a manifestation of Brahman Conciousness. His
    self is brahman, the action he does is Brahman,
    world is brahman. One who has this wisdom has samadhi - equanimity of
    This sloka is chanted before partaking food because - food is the
    result of all of our action. Why do we work in the world. It is for
    food. Food is of different kinds - food for eyes, food for ears,
    stomach etc. Basically food means input.
    Food is the result of action. In chanting this sloka, we are looking
    at the whole process - thought-action-food.
    Everything is divine. This doesnot mean that we donot enjoy food. We
    are fully aware, alert and experience the food fully. Live in the
    present moment - Not watching TV, not thinking something else.


  2. My understanding of this sloka is:

    We should respect our body while eating. In this sloka, Brahma means universal God. Everything is for this God, who gives energy for us to act. In this body, hungry is like a fire (Agni in the form of God). We are giving Food (given by God) to this Agni (God). In this process where "I" stays? So one should not feel like "I am an enjoyer" (Aham Bhokta)while eating. Everything is God's manifestation, we just do 'Sankalpa'. Hence before eating we should offer it to God. So one who sees God in every action, will get God itself.
